Fear not. My series on the history of Wizards will resume in a couple weeks.
This coming weekend is the annual meeting of the board of directors of my nonprofit, so I've been focusing for the last several weeks on preparations for it and on associated support work.
During this time, however, I've also been continuing with my research, including interviews with Carol Monahan and John Miller and digging through Beverly's Daytimer archives for 1993 and 1994 to help pin down events and dates. After the board meeting I'll start scheduling a series of interviews with various Wizards founders and early alumni, so we'll have plenty of eyewitnesses to history helping to develop the story of how it all came about.
Christ is Born!
He whom nothing can contain has been contained in a womb. He is in the
Father’s bosom and His Mother’s embrace. How can this be, but as He knows
and w...
3 months ago